Sullivan Optimistic As Are Fans

David Sullivan is optimistic and has confidence in the Blues chances, he said:

‘I’m quite optimistic about this season, I am looking forward to it. With a couple more players to come in, I think we will have a good chance of coming out on top. You also have to accept the setbacks and disappointments that come your way, nothing is every plain sailing, but I am quite confident about our chances.’

Seems the majority of Vital Blues readers agree, after we asked, for lil_blues_fan, if you thought Blues had what it takes this season?

42% predicted that we would end as champions. 12% said we’d get promotion.

17% predicted we’d make the play-offs with a further 5% saying close but no cigar.

7% predicted mid to lower table and 17% (thanks to the Villa fans who voted!) said we’d be relegated.

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