Match Stats: Birmingham City v Wolves

The match stats compiled are courtesy of the official Birmingham city website. They are showing the stats for the Birmingham City vs Wolverhampton Wanderers game.
Birmingham Wolves
Possession: 53% 47%
Shots on target: 1 6
Shots off target: 14 7
Corners: 8 5
Offsides: 1 2
Fouls: 9 10
Yellow Card: 0 1
Red Card: 0 0

Dave Edwards (11)
Sheyi Ojo (84)

Kevin McDonald (58)

Attendance: 18,946

The stats show that despite us controlling possession and having a lot more chances, we were not able to take them. We had several wayward shots which needs to be addressed.

Good to see that we are having an influence in games and giving it a real go, but at the end of the day, it’s the scoreline that really matters.

Why do you think we are not taking chances?
Please comment below.

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