Both A Pair Of Tits

Two grown men, arguing in public and both looking like tits – you’d think they’d have noticed by now.

Speaking to the Daily star, for some reason Sullivan decided to say:

‘I do get on all right with him but I don’t know why he’s like he is.

‘I think he’s a frustrated actor. I think he would like to think of himself as a ‘sexy beast’ like Ray Winstone.

‘I’ve bent the rules and let him in our boardroom without a tie just to keep him happy.

‘I don’t know why he wants to keep saying bad things about people.

‘When you get in their boardroom, he hides away in a corner. He’s very strange.’

So fresh out of the Midlands Today interview where he won’t apologise to fans, he’s now making the club a laughing stock in the national press for different reasons.

Not one to let things pass, Jordan himself has responded by telling Sullivan to stop moaning and just leave – oh and then insults us all in an interview with the Guardian:

‘Sullivan said that Birmingham had cost him £10 million but, as I understand it, he has somewhere around £500 million, so what’s the problem?

‘I’m trying to look at this in a caring way for David, so instead of moaning about the fans, why doesn’t he just leave?

‘My theory is that he wasn’t breast fed as a child and needs some love. But who would want the love of Birmingham fans anyway?’

Look out for Sky 1’s new drama, Football Chairman Acting Like Tits.

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